Accessorize Your Love Life with safe sex toy

Body Safe Sex Toys Sex and masturbation are all about loving your body, having fun, and feeling good. Most people are familiar with safe sex when referring to sexual activity; using barrier methods to prevent the transmission of STIs and STDs. Not a lot of people think about safe sex toy use as a component of safe sex, but it is important too, whether using a toy with a partner(s) or using a toy by yourself. Body-safe toys are not going to have irritating chemicals in them, are not going to have the potential to absorb body fluids, and are safe to share with a partner without the risk of transmitting STDs/STIs and other bacteria from other people who’ve previously used that toy.
Difference in sex toys?
Not all sex toys are created equal, and with the thousands of toys that exist, there are many different materials that can harbour plasticizing chemicals, which come into contact with the most sensitive parts of your body. Lots of people are familiar with the experience of using a toy one night and feeling uncomfortable irritation the next morning in places where the toy came in contact with their body. There are two main reasons this irritation occurs with toy use; a sensitivity to the toy material (like latex found in jelly-rubber toys), or because the toy contains phthalates, which are chemicals used to turn hard plastic into soft plastic, and are in some soft toys. If you’re sensitive at all, or concerned about what you put into your body, there is an easy way to tell if a toy contains phthalates; it will have a strong rubbery smell. This doesn’t mean you have to throw the toy away (unless you’d like to upgrade to something nicer). Putting a condom over any toy will eliminate any contact the toy material has with your body and will eliminate the risk of irritation. For many, the thought of having to use a condom with a sex toy seems prohibitive and time-consuming.
Read are vibrators safe for women?
Phthalate free toys
Luckily, toy companies are now making many phthalate-free toys (and indicate it on the packaging), so you can find a good affordable toy that is non-toxic. Evolved’s line of toys might be a good place to start if looking for basic, phthalate-free toys. They make everything from mini-vibes to rabbit vibes, but all Evolved toys are made phthalate-free.If you’re concerned about phthalates or sensitive to latex or other materials, there is one very simple way to ensure any toy you get will be safe to use and will not irritate you and will become safe sex toy; and that’s to get educated about toy materials. Any toy that is made from a non-porous material will automatically be free of phthalates, latex, and other chemicals, meaning you can be sure you’re using something that’s 100% body-safe.There are many great properties of non-porous safe sex toys besides being phthalate free:(Image)They can be fully sterilized. This means you can get all bacteria off of the toy by boiling it (if it doesn’t vibrate, or has a removable vibrator), washing it on the top shelf of your dishwasher, or wiping it down with a 10% bleach/90% water solution. This is handy for lots of reasons, but especially good if you want to ensure you’re getting your toy 100% clean.
Sterlizing a toy
The ability to sterilize a toy is especially important for anal toys, since the anus harbours more bacteria than other parts of the body, and a porous toy is going to absorb that bacteria too. Using bleach or boiling water on porous toys will ruin or melt them, which is why they cannot be fully sterilized.They do not discolour or fall apart with use. The reason that some toys discolour or start to fall apart after several uses are that they absorb body fluids, lubricant, and dirt. Not only does this mean you can never fully sterilize them, it means you’re going to want to throw it away once it starts to change colour. Non-porous toys do not discolour, which means you’ll keep the toy around longer since it doesn’t get dirty. I know that sounds a little gross, but it’s the truth when it comes to porous toys. Again, you can prevent this discolouration by using a condom over a porous toy during use.They conduct vibration better. Because non-porous toys are denser, they tend to have stronger vibration potential than jelly toys. This means you’re going to get more power out of your toy if it is made out of a non-porous material.The certain non-porous material is virtually indestructible. Non-vibrating, non-porous toys will last forever if you take care of them.
Variety of these toys
They come in soft and hard varieties. There’s a good variety of non-porous toy materials, which means there’s something for everyone. Now that you have a basic understanding of body-safe, non-porous toys, you just have to discover which toy materials are non-porous.
Need best toy in medical grade?
If you’re looking for a soft non-porous material, 100% medical grade silicone is the only way to go. Fun Factory, Jimmy Jane, Tantus, Vixen, and Lelo all make quality 100% silicone toys. Not all these silicone toys feel the same or have the consistency. Vixen and Tantus make mostly phallic-shaped objects that are soft and realistic feeling. Fun Factory makes a lot of soft, bright vibrating toys in different shapes and sizes. Lelo and Jimmy Jane make excellent vibrators that are firm to the touch and pack a lot of punch. Tantus and Fun Factory also make great anal toys. Just remember that any toy that is 100% silicone is going to say so on the packaging. A toy that says “pure silicone” or “hygienic silicone” or some variation of that is not likely to be 100% silicone and may contain other materials.For hard non-porous materials, you have more than one option. Steel, Pyrex or glass, and medical-grade hard plastic are all great materials with different properties. Steel is heavy, indestructible and cool to the touch, which makes it a good choice for G and P-Spot stimulation. Any of the enjoy toys are great for vaginal or anal play.
Pyrex and Glass toys
Pyrex and glass toys are not as heavy as steel, but are still solid, and can be heated up or cooled down in a bowl of water before use. The Icicles line is a good glass line, or there are Pyrex brands sold in Fascinations stores. Pyrex and glass toys also tend to be some of the most visually appealing toys. Medical grade hard plastic toys like the Aneros prostate stimulators are going to be a lot lighter than steel or Pyrex, but still, have the firmness of those two materials.
Final words
Lots of people are concerned with putting safe and healthy food, cosmetics, and other items into their bodies, but often sex toys are left out of that conversation. While using toys in your love life is always fun, the materials in them can be irritating to people who are sensitive, which can put a damper on any sexy experience. Using non-porous toys not only eliminates the risk of irritation, but it guarantees that the toys will last longer because they won’t discolour or break down. Safe sex isn’t just about condom use, it includes lots of other intimate items we use when having fun in bed.