Sex positions you must try to spice up your intercourse

The Kama Sutra, an old Indian text on sexuality, demonstrates that sexual behaviour is an endlessly varied endeavour. There are several hot sex positions for couples that combine the bodies of men and women for their enjoyment. Knowing different sex positions can make you a better and more creative lover for your partner if you’re in a straight relationship.
Intimate but not always mutually satisfying: The Missionary Position or Face-to-Face Potential Benefits or Caveats
Details: The woman assumes a straightforward sex position by lying on her back with her legs apart and slightly bent knees. While supporting his body weight with his arms or elbows, the male guides his penis inside her vagina while lying between her legs.
The issue with this sexual position is that it doesn’t give ladies as much pleasure as other positions do. In this posture, the man’s pelvis can occasionally stimulate the clitoris and provide incredible closeness through face-to-face contact. However, the penis’s orientation prevents deep penetration or G-spot activation (felt through a location on the front wall of the vagina, and believed by some experts to be a stimulus for orgasm in women). Some women also claim that the clitoral stimulation in this sex position is insufficient to induce climax.

Potential Sensual Benefits or Cautionary Notes: Woman on Top or Cowgirl Sensations and penetration depth might differ; clitoral stimulation
Details: The woman kneels in front of the man while he is on his back, straddling his pelvis, and guiding his penis into her vagina. She can then lie on him or stand up. Additionally, the lady has the option to bounce up and down, grind, or make hip circles, each of which produces a marginally different sensation. If you have back problems, this is also an excellent posture for you because it nearly feels like you’re resting.
Potential Sensual Benefits and Precautions of Reverse Cowgirl or Reverse Rider
On Top Playing with your butts can provide you with visual stimulation, variety, and possibility of pain
Details: The lady sits astride him, facing her partner’s feet, and puts the penis into her vagina as the guy rests on his back on the bed. The woman has control over the thrusts’ tempo and rhythm. For the penetrating partner, who gets to watch his partner’s back and buttocks, this position can be very thrilling. The sensation can be improved for both parties by pinching or grasping the buttocks. Since the woman must either lean back or sit up straight to accommodate the penis’ angle, this posture can be challenging to master.
Benefits and Risks of Doggy Style or Rear Entry for Sensual
Purpose: G-spot stimulation and deep penetration, but position can feel impersonal
Details: The woman is now on all fours and is holding herself up with her hands and knees. From behind, he enters her vagina while squatting. The finest sex position for deep vaginal penetration is this one. The guy is free to thrust his pelvis quickly and forcefully, and he can caress a large portion of the woman’s body. Additionally, the posture enables effective G-spot stimulation.
Corkscrew Potential Sensual Advantages or Cautionary Statements deep, powerful penetration
Details: The woman is lying on the edge of the bed, leaning forward and resting on her hip and forearm as her lover enters her vagina from behind. For a firmer grip on the penis, the lady can keep her thighs close together. However, if she spreads her legs, a man can prod her from behind while caressing her clitoris.
Potential sensual advantages or cautions side by side or diagonally Intensive eye contact and closeness
Details: The couple is lying side by side, facing each other. In order for the male to implant his penis, the woman elevates her top leg. The leg can then be used to cross his leg or wrap around his waist. According to Bradbury, this position is ideal for morning sex when you might be a little tired.
As a result of your proximity to your partner’s face, it provides a great deal of closeness. During the act of making love, the partners may kiss and caress one another. The sex position is comfortable, doesn’t demand much energy from either party, and provides a chance for effective clitoral stimulation.
Lazy Dog or Flat Iron
Details: With her legs straight and her hips slightly elevated, the woman is lying face down on the bed. Put a pillow beneath your hips (if you choose). From behind, her boyfriend enters her vagina. The woman’s legs will be closer together when she is on her stomach, which will result in a tighter fit for her partner’s penis. This can result in a brand-new, stronger sensation.
We have a strong tendency to be goal-oriented in our daily lives. When we wake up in the morning, we have to rush to leave the house, eat our breakfast, and head to work. In both our bodies and thoughts, it causes a great deal of stress and strain. It might be quite beneficial to change postures to reignite the connection. So, trying something new can be advantageous and enjoyable.