The Truth about Cock Rings

Every man wants to perform to his best ability. The cock ring is one of these inventions that promotes the man to perform at maximum capacity and beyond without pharmaceutical assistance or extraneous surgery. The simple design of this equipment does not negate the intricacy of its intended purpose; allowing the wearing to perform longer and more satisfactorily pleasure their sexual partner during their time of sexual congress. Yes, we can heap all kinds of praise at this sexual novelty item and deservedly so, but we would be remiss to not also relay a set of important accompanying facts.
How to treat a cock ring?
While the cock ring is a sex toy, it should be handled and treated with a certain amount of respect and seriousness. I think when dealing with anything that could be considered an “add-on” or extension to any part of the pubic area, extreme caution, and the utmost gravity should be the order of the day. These are items that are meant to enhance sexual pleasure, not detract from the overall atmosphere and romantic ambiance with an embarrassing late night excursion to the emergency room. The reason I say this (and only half-jokingly so) is because one should be informed of all the rewards and perils of the new technology afforded to them in their desire to get their freak on to the maximum capacity.
Will cock ring fit you?
The most important thing in purchasing this particular sexual enhancer is to be sure of all measurements before the actual purchase. The idea is to make sure the thing fits before the flag rises all the way up the flagpole. You do not want to be in the middle of sweet lovemaking and then suddenly ask your partner if he or she will go to the kitchen to grab you a butcher knife. This is a perfect example of a mood breaker. If you restrict too much of the blood flow, serious tissue damage could result and no amount of foreign aphrodisiacs or medical science is going to put the zip on your fastball ever again. This would be a worst case scenario type thing, but anything that could endanger your penis (in any man’s eyes) is a worst-case scenario.
Cock rings can be harmful
I’m not trying to scare anybody away from exploring their adventurous side, I just think we all should take a few minutes before we run out and buy our own cock rings and do a little research. If a product comes out that is proven to enhance sex and its climax for you, but also warns that if used improperly could cause serious and lasting damage to your genitals, would it not be the prudent thing to perhaps read the box a little bit before purchasing the item in question? Maybe do a little more research besides reading the box, like taking a little extra initiative and looking it up on the internet? I get that we all want to be sexual gods, but should we risk immortality so recklessly? I don’t think so, but hey, that’s just my opinion.
When used properly and intelligently, these sexual items can seriously enhance your recreational time. If the idea is to last longer and increase the power and intensity of climax, then, by all means, this is the go-to item. There is no doubt by its popularity and sales numbers that this item works, so the effectiveness of the item has never been in question. Its promise of increased performance time and greater sexual pleasure just can’t override the necessity of a little responsibility.
Bad usage of cock rings
I’m serious about this, people. My girlfriend and I were talking about this, and she works in the medical field. She told me that sometimes people go to sleep wearing these things, and every this is a problem because as every man knows, sometimes the penis will become erect while you sleep. This constant hard-on, while you sleep, can cause blood coagulation in the penis, and it’s just as horrible as it sounds. This is called priapism, and basically, it means a prolonged erection. This hurts about as bad as anything you have ever felt in your lifetimes forty-five million and can cause permanent damage to the erectile tissue, and if you don’t know what that means, then maybe this isn’t the product for you.
I know it seems like I’m dogging out cock rings, but I swear I’m not. If you want to use this product to spice up the sex life, then go for it. It’s still a mostly free country, and what you do in your bedroom (or hot tub, pool table, or local laundromat) is your business. But if you are going to use sexual aids in these scenarios, just do a little background information before you engage in sexual congress. It’s just the smart way to go.
What I would do if am going to buy a cock ring?
As a person who does not own one of these items, I have to say I would read all information available to me, including this little editorial if it were accessible. I would weigh the pros of the device against the cons of the possible side effects, and only then would I make a decision on whether or not to purchase the item. I believe this is the way everyone should purchase items of this nature, just so they know what they are possibly getting into. As I stated before, there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore the more adventurous avenues of sexual discovery, but when traversing these paths a little forewarning goes a long way.
That about wraps up this editorial on cock rings. I’m going to go on the record as saying while this particular product has a few too scary side effects for my personal taste, I don’t see the problem with using it as long as it is used with intelligence and a little common sense. Then again, I suppose that could pretty much apply to anything you buy in pursuit of personal recreation.
Some of the best cock rings I would suggest you are:
1. Vibrating cock ring
2. Tunnel Cock ring Green
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